Mobile Login Preference

By default Salestracker will attempt to determine what kind of device you are using. If you are using a mobile device it will attempt to serve you the Salestracker mobile web app optimised for mobile devices. However, you can override this behaviour by setting this option under preferences.

To change your mobile preference, click on “Preferences” in the top right, then click “My Settings“.

My Settings

Click on the row labelled “Mobile login preference (desktop or mobile login)“.

There are two options under this preference:

  • Default – this is the default behaviour; Salestracker will attempt to determine what kind of device you are using and serve you either the desktop app or the mobile app.
  • Desktop – Salestracker will always log into the desktop app regardless of what device you are using.

Please note that you can also force Salestracker to display the desktop view by using a setting in your mobile browser (please note that this link leads to a third-party website, Insight Data Ltd is not responsible for the content of this linked website).