5 reasons why you should utilise email marketing

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1. Email is mobile


One reason why email marketing is still an effective form of business communication is due to it being an easy and convenient way to reach customers on mobile devices. Email also doesn’t carry the cost of investing in a lot of new technology or software.

Mobile users spend the majority of their time inside apps. More than 70% of people read their email in a mobile app, with most checking their email in the morning.

Your business should ensure your emails are designed mobile first. Did you know 52% of customers are less likely to engage with a company because of bad mobile experience? Emails that display incorrectly on mobile may be deleted within three seconds!

Having a well-designed, clear and mobile friendly email strategy is essential.

2. Keep customers informed

Email newsletters (e-newsletters) differ from regular email marketing campaigns. They are a powerful way of sharing a number of news stories, information or advice to build your brand and promote products and services. Email newsletters often have multiple landing pages, one for each story, with a curtailed synopsis or excerpt of each story.

A study also revealed that marketers who add video to their email campaigns see an average rise in revenue of 40 percent! Why not showcase your new product with a high-quality video?

3. Customise and Integrate your marketing communications

The versatility of email marketing is another reason why your business should keep the tactic in their marketing toolbox. Depending on the depth of the email database and the design of your campaign, email marketing messages can range from simple to very complex.

Emails can be personalised to include the name of the user and even more!

Why not follow up your email campaigns with a dedicated telesales campaign, or a designed drop card which replicates your email design?

4. Target your audience

You will always get a percentage of email bounces on your campaign, but hard bounces (permanently unavailable or incorrect emails) should be removed from your list and updated.

Sending a campaign to an out-of-date or inaccurate email list can result in blacklisting with your campaign flagged as spam. Sourcing accurate, fresh email data and updating it regularly will boost the success of your campaign dramatically.

5. Track and follow up your campaign

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One of the benefits of email marketing is tracking. In-depth analysis and tracking means you’ll know who opened the campaign and what landing zones they clicked through to, enabling you to build up visitor and potential customer profiles. Using this data enables you to effectively manage follow-up campaigns, tailoring specific offers or products depending on initial recipient responses.

What do you want people to do when they receive your email? Be clear on what your aims are and incorporate this within the campaign. If the recipient is interested enough to respond, it is worth investing in a specific landing zone or micro-site. Simply pointing them to your website home page with no relevance to the campaign will dramatically reduce your results.

How we can help

Here at Insight Data we have a dedicated email marketing department who can design, build and send your campaign for you! We can also deliver any follow up communications on your behalf.

For Salestracker customers we can also offer our STEM email marketing platform. You can design your campaigns with a simple drag and drop feature and directly send to your dynamic data lists.

For more information contact Insight Data on 01934 808293 or via email at hello@insightdata.co.uk