Mobile Proximity

Mobile proximity refers to your closeness to companies that you are subscribed to. Clicking on ‘Proximity’ (third menu item) will take you to a map showing YOUR current position in relation to any companies that you are subscribed to within a default radius of 5 miles.


Salestracker Mobile Proximity Map

The circle represents the postcode radius. This value can be changed by selecting ‘Settings’ and looking for ‘Proximity Default’. See the ‘Mobile Settings’ post for more details.

NOTE: the maximum number of markers that can be displayed is 500 (the default). If it goes beyond this a warning message will appear before the default number is displayed.

Clicking on a marker will display the company details in a pop up…

Salestracker Mobile Proximity Map Record Highlight

Clicking within the pop up will take you to the record

Salestracker Mobile Record View