Local Builders Database Smashes 24,000 Contacts Milestone

The Insight Data Local Builders database has surpassed a ground-breaking 24,000 contacts with over 19,000 confirmed email addresses to become the most detailed and comprehensive database available anywhere in the industry.

Local builders do not actively promote themselves; operating between the lines, these builders are extremely difficult for suppliers and merchants to track New-Buildersdown. Often working from a mobile phone and a single email address, they rely heavily on word-of-mouth and personal recommendations.

Promoting your products and services to small builders and contractors is now easier than ever. The database contains over 23,000 building contractors and firms across the UK who provide a range of services in the building and construction industry, ranging from extensions and home improvements to light commercial and new-build projects.

Jade Greenhow, Operations Manager, comments; “The Local Builders database is an effective and efficient marketing tool that is extremely popular within the industry.

With the database reaching a staggering 24,000 contacts and over 19,000 verified email addresses that will continue to grow in the future. The Local Builders database will continue to provide you with thousands of opportunities to increase lead generation, customer acquisition and, most importantly, profit margins. At a fraction of the cost of modern day marketing it’s a no-brainer.”

The database contains details of companies with a turnover of up to £5m, making it ideal for building product suppliers, builders merchants, timber or plumbing merchants, window or door suppliers, and service suppliers relevant to the building and construction industry.

Simply log on to Salestracker, Insight Data’s online database software, and select the builders that you want to target by location and sectors, with data verified and updated in real-time by Insight Data’s in-house research team.

Salestracker is the world’s first fully-integrated sales and marketing platform created specifically for the building and fenestration industry. It combines real-time prospect data with a powerful online portal with full CRM, map integration and credit profiling.

For more information on how you can utilise the Local Builders Database and Salestracker software, contact Insight Data on 01934 808293 or email hello@insightdata.co.uk.